
LED Light for Acne & Collagen

How to navigate acne breakouts or boost collagen production

Transform your cellular health with our LED light therapies. Light therapy is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits.

Treat Acne or Boost Collagen

Light therapy is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy delivered is then used to improve cellular performance. Light therapy can be delivered through light emitting diode (LEDs) devices or cold lasers, and has a variety of applications across many medical fields.

Our Celluma machine is a powerful LED panel that is extremely useful in the treatment of acne, as well as boosting collagen for anti-ageing. The boosting of cellular energy through the Celluma results in a cascade of metabolic events that lead to an increase of micro-circulation, tissue repair, and a decrease in inflammation and pain.

$70.00 – 30 MINUTES
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About the Celluma LED Light for Acne and Collagen


ABOUT BLUE LED Light for Acne

Acne is one of the most common and stubborn skin problems. Regardless of skin type or lifestyle, approximately 80% of the population will suffer from acne at some point in their lives. Yet many patients fail to respond adequately to current treatment options and others develop problematic side effects. Further, the cost and duration of acne treatment with topical medications and oral antibiotics make standard therapy far from ideal.

The Celluma Acne PhotoClearing technology offers a new tool designed to clear moderate inflammatory acne without drugs, side effects, patient discomfort, photosensitivity or downtime.

The acne setting emits blue light at a wavelength of 465 nanometers (nm). This setting emits the greatest amount of blue light, some red light and a smaller amount of infrared LED. Blue LED penetrates on a few mm into the epidermis and is therefore beneficial in treating acne. It  also creates a ‘death cycle’ of the P. acnes bacterium.

The treatment is painless and doesn’t require any recuperation time. To be effective a course of eight 30-minute treatments, twice a week for four weeks, is required. After each treatment ensure you apply SPF protection and you can carry on with your appropriate skin care regime for acne as recommended by your skin care specialist.




As we age, collagen and elastin levels decline. Collagen is responsible for keeping our complexion looking firm and giving our skin elasticity. Collagen protein makes up for 70% of the total protein in the skin, and with a lack of collagen comes the early signs of ageing; an increase in wrinkles, loose skin and less elasticity. In order to keep skin looking plump and healthy.

The anti-ageing setting on the Celluma emits red light at a wavelength of 640mm. This setting emits the most equal amounts of blue, red and infrared LED. Red LED penetrates a bit deeper than blue, about 8 – 10 mm, and stimulates fibroblasts, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, therefore treating fine lines and wrinkles.

Red light can be performed weekly or added into your monthly facials. After each treatment ensure you apply SPF protection and you can carry on with your appropriate skin care regime for collagen production as recommended by your skin care specialist.

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