SKIN GUIDE: Everything you need to know about collagen

SKIN GUIDE: Everything you need to know about collagen

It feels like everyone is talking about collagen these days! Found in skin, bones and connective tissues, collagen is a fibrous protein and is what holds the body together. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in your body, however from the age of 24 you’ll start to lose 2% of your collagen production every year with age and exposure to factors such as UV light, smoking or high sugar consumption – and that’s when we start to notice wrinkles and sagging.

So what does collagen do to your skin? Simply put, it is what is responsible for keeping your complexion looking firm and giving your skin elasticity. Collagen protein makes up for 70% of the total protein in your skin, and with a lack of collagen comes the dreaded signs of ageing; an increase in wrinkles, loose skin and less elasticity. In order to keep skin looking plump and healthy, it’s important to incorporate a regular skin care routine that helps to repair and boost these levels of collagen when they won’t naturally appear.