Foods to Avoid to Ensure Healthy Skin

Foods to Avoid to Ensure Healthy Skin

Diet and health have a pretty close relationship, and often what we eat can have a direct effect on the health of our skin. Sometimes the cause isn’t always obvious, but we’ve looked at the most common foods that could be causing you skin woes. It’s a good idea to take note of what foods your skin may be reacting to, and if you notice any negative effects, be sure to cut that food out of your diet to see if it makes a difference. It’s important to note, however, that every skin type is different and any specific skin concerns should be mentioned to your skin therapist.

Simple Carbs

Simple carbs such as white bread, white pasta and white rice are made up of higher amounts of sugar, and so the body breaks down these simple carbs the same way it does with regular sugar, and converts them to glucose. This is especially harming for collagen production, as the glucose sticks to the protein and can damage it’s production ability. The result? Skin will feel less plump, more prone to wrinkles and breakouts thanks to the increase in glucose in the bloodstream.



Coffee and energy drinks are high in caffeine, and while the boost in energy levels may feel great, the effect it could be having on your skin just isn’t worth it. Caffeine is a diuretic, which limits your body’s ability to hold on to water. As a result, your skin becomes dehydrated, leaving it feels dull, itchy and dry, and cause wrinkles to appear more prominently. It’s worth cutting back on the amount of caffeine you consume if your skin constantly feels dehydrated, no matter how much water you drink.


Foods high in salt can wreak havoc on your skin, causing your tissues to swell and making skin look puffy. With the opposite effect of caffeine, high sodium levels cause the body to hold on to water, causing skin to puff out and bloat. Salt can also aggravate acne, and while sodium in small amounts is important for health, foods are often too high in salt levels, particularly processed food. Ensure you check food labels, and avoid foods high in sodium for optimum skin health.